There are games that start with the roll of two dice,
others with a deck of card.
What you are about to attend starts in a hotel.
No time limit, no scores.
You decide the rules.
At the entrance you will find an ancient key.
Keep it with you,
you will know when to use it.
You are in the lobby of the Revolver Requeen Venexia Hotel.
“The inspiration is everywhere,
Just grasp it”
Activate all the senses: listen, look around, walk, touch, experience every single room.
Start here your journey of discovery of the RRV world here.
Do you feel slight vibrations too?
For a moment, a shadow in the shape of an ancient key can be glimpsed.
It looks just like the one you are holding in your hands.
It’s your passepartout.
It will allow you to open all other doors,
even those of your dreams.
Closed your eyes,
Follow with hands this rope and discover where it brings you.
Trust and let yourself be guided by this game of intertwining, trust and seduction.
Is anybody there?
I thought to hear a rustle.
Do you feel it too?
I think it almost touched me,
for a moment I felt it so close...
Now I no longer hear anything,
only the echo of a distant snap.
From half-light to a thousand lights.
It really feels like being in one of those parties on the hotel's exclusive rooftop.
Free yourself from tension,
move your body and go wild.
Hold the key in your hands: the game isn't over yet.
Flashes, reflections, plays of light.
You are in the spotlight at this level.
We are at the concert of a very famous fearless and multiform rock star.
Look up, a cascade of glitter from the sky.
Are you having fun?
Are you ready to keep playing?